Great news! The best book in the App Store just got a lot better. The price for Sesame Workshop’s furry little app just got slashed from $3.99 (which is already a bargain for such a spectacular app) to just 99 cents!

But don’t procrastinate. This is a three day sale, so early next week the price will go back to $3.99.

If you read my review you already know that I think of this app. As of this writing, it is the only app to receive a perfect score in every category. If your children are not yet teenagers, or you just have an inner child, you owe it to yourself to get this book. Even at $3.99 this app should not be missing from your iPad, but at $0.99 there’s simply no excuse. Buy it now!

The Monster at the End of This Book - Sesame Street


  • Wombi

    Absolutely love this book! What a great app! I am a strong believer that technology not only makes the learning process much more fun, but it also creates allows a more hands-on experience for kids! If you are interested in other educational products for kids, I would check out our educational apps! :)

    Best Regards

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