I hope you love this site, and that it leads you to many great apps for your kids. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please send me a note at mail@bestkidipadapps.com.
Got an app you’d like to see reviewed on Best Kid Ipad Apps? Send a description of your app with some screenshots and a promo code to submissions@bestkidipadapps.com. I can’t guarantee that it’ll get reviewed (that depends entirely on the volume of submissions I receive, how much time I have, and how important I feel it is that more parents learn about your app). If your app is spectacular, your chances of getting it reviewed increase substantially. But don’t worry . . . I review some mediocre and even bad apps too.
Also contact me at advertising@bestkidipadapps.com if you’d like to discuss advertising on my site. Before contacting me, though, remember that I won’t do paid reviews, nor will I post advertisements that appear to be Best Kid iPad App reviews.
– Jake Moses
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